New York Rangers: Dan Boyle Meaner Than Tanner Glass

Recently Larry Brooks called for Tanner Glass’ promotion to help make the New York Rangers meaner. While Tanner Glass does play with an angry spark in his game, there is a stronger solution currently unemployed. If the Rangers must sign a mean player, Dan Boyle is the solution.

The New York Rangers saw Henrik Lundqvist get bowled over by Cody Eakin recently, causing a slew of calls for increased toughness in the lineup. Pundits blasted the Rangers for not pushing back against Eakin, while many called for specific players to be promoted to the big club.

Tanner Glass, currently playing for the Hartford Wolfpack, has been asked for the most. Larry Brooks recently called for Glass’ promotion, writing:

Brooks’ opinion is a popular one, but it misses the point. Our own John Williams agreed with Brooks’ overall point, but did not find Glass fitting for the occasion. The argument here is not that the Rangers need more anger in the lineup, but if they insist on adding anger, Dan Boyle is the go to player.

While toughness is often considered by the volume and impact of blows delivered in fights, there is a mental aspect to hockey as well. On the ice, players often shoot verbal daggers at each other to rile up the opponents. We do not know how strong Glass is in this department, but we do know that Boyle is well versed in verbal jousting.

Following New York’s elimination last postseason, Boyle participated in the media version of an NHL fight. What transpired:

Sure Tanner Glass can throw some punches, but that right there is the definition of mean. Boyle did not back down after the fallout, either.

Essentially, Dan Boyle was Henrik Lundqvist getting bowled over by Cody Eakin, the media. Rather than letting it happen, Boyle stood up for himself. If the Rangers must add players that are mean to the lineup, a player that is willing to do that in front of the entire media is a player to look for.

When it comes to standing up against those that take cheap shots, Dan Boyle is the expert.

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