Kings accidentally email payback plan

The Los Angeles Kings accidentally sent an email to the media detailing how they planned to get back at the New Jersey Devils for what they believed was a bit of behind-the-scenes gamesmanship during the Stanley Cup Finals.

The plan was to delay getting stats to the New Jersey locker room between periods of Monday night's Game 6 at Staples Center, because that's what the Devils did to them in Game 5 on Saturday, the Los Angeles Times reported.

"Jersey PR (whether it was their fault or not) didn't get stats to our locker room until about two minutes left in the intermission. Our coaches were not happy about this. So we are going to do the same to them tomorrow," read the email, which was sent out Sunday.

"So unless you hear otherwise from me make sure their locker room does NOT get stats UNTIL about two minutes left to go in the intermission. Even if you literally have to eye the clock and wait. If they ask what's taking so long just tell them our copy machines are down."

The Kings won their first Stanley Cup a 6-1 victory Monday.