Coyotes captain Doan beat the "Mantracker"

Phoenix Coyotes captain Shane Doan beat the ''Mantracker.''

Doan and brother Brook survived a manhunt on the ''Mantracker'' television show.

On the episode that aired Sunday night on Canada's Outdoor Life Network, the Doans eluded ''Mantracker'' Terry Grant and local hunting guide Russ Floyd in British Columbia's southern Chilcotin Mountains.

Equipped with a compass and a map, the brothers had to get to the finish point some 23 miles away without being caught. Using the mountainous terrain to their advantage against the pursuers on horseback, the Doans eventually did so. Although there were several close calls.

''It will be something I never ever forget,'' Shane said. ''For the rest of our lives, we'll have that and that's special.''

The pursuers almost caught the brothers in an ambush some 31 hours into the game, but they escaped by racing into the bush. A tiring Brook offered to let Shane go ahead near the end, but the NHL star refused and the two brothers just beat their pursuers to the finish.

''It was my Stanley Cup,'' said Brook, an electrician in Halkirk, Alberta.

The episode will air later in the United States on the Science Channel.