Zimmer backtracks: 'I probably owe an apology to Anthony Barr'

Minnesota Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer has corrected the record after coming down on linebacker Anthony Barr for an unnecessary roughness penalty that should have never been called. 

Zimmer said he owes Barr an apology after speaking with league officials about his hit on Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford, according to Andrew Krammer of 1500ESPN.com.

The hit Zimmer is referencing occurred during the second half of Minnesota's Week 1 win over the Lions. Stafford, scrambling out of the pocket, slowed down before running out of bounds. Barr shoved him from behind, sending the Detroit quarterback skidding into his own team's bench.

The fact that Stafford slowed down and, in essence, gave up on the play before it was actually over is why the hit should not have drawn a 15-yard infraction.

"That was not a very smart penalty by any stretch of the imagination," Zimmer originally said, per Chris Tomasson of the Pioneer Press, before consulting with NFL officials. "I expect our guys to play with more poise than that."

The confusion surrounding the hit on Stafford won't have much of an effect on Barr's play moving forward. He can rest easy now, knowing that his hit was, in fact, clean.

(h/t @Andrew_Krammer)