Winston may skip NFL draft to be with grandmother

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By Vincent Frank

The entire idea that the NFL does not want the likely top pick in the upcoming draft not to attend the draft itself is ridiculous. Despite this, rumors had persisted that this is one of the primary reasons Jameis Winston is considering passing up on the annual event in Chicago next month.

Attempting to put an end to these mindless rumors, the former Florida State standout told reporters during the program’s pro day on Tuesday that one of the reasons he’s contemplating not attending is due to the fact that his grandmother cannot travel.

Winston wants to have people around him who have supported his career from the start. And his grandmother, who is suffering from Type 2 diabetes, wouldn’t be able to join him in Chicago.

Instead of heading to the Windy City, Winston is contemplating remaining home with his family in Alabama.

The former Heisman winner also indicated that he’s received some push back about not fully committing to attending the draft. This has left him in an awkward position of deciding between what he believes is best for himself, and what the masses might believe is best for the NFL.

Sadly, the pressure Winston has received may lead him to have to attend the draft in lieu of spending what will be the biggest day of his life with his family.

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