Watch: Victor Cruz's workout video shows he's getting closer

It's important to practice patience when observing the recovery process of New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz, but after watching his latest workout video, that might be more difficult. 10 days ago, Giants general manager Jerry Reese opined that Cruz looks about '85 to 90 percent' healthy. Although athletes usually tend to be overly optimistic when assessing their health, Cruz gave a more realistic update after he began cutting earlier this week. He deemed himself feeling about 75 to 80 percent healthy.

How Cruz feels and how he looks are two different things. When you see the workout video he posted to his Instagram on Thursday night, you might start thinking that Reese had the more accurate assessment on Cruz's recovery. Cruz looks in top shape as he performs an explosive lift and box jump.

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The Giants and Cruz will take things slow with his recovery. Cruz is expected to sit out the team's upcoming minicamp and OTAs. A more realistic goal would be to see Cruz back on the field some time in the second half of training camp.

Photo Credit: Andrew Weber/USA TODAY Sports