Vick tops list of most disliked athletes

For the second year in a row, Michael Vick topped a fan poll taken by Forbes as the most disliked national sports figure, reported Sunday.

The Forbes survey sampled sports fans and filtered out lesser-known figures like disgraced cyclist Floyd Landis and sports agent Scott Boras, who weren't known by a lot of fans but really disliked by those who knew them.

In the end, Vick was still held in a lower opinion than Ben Roethlisberger, Tiger Woods and Oakland Raiders' owner Al Davis, with 69 percent of those polled disliking Vick.

Davis was a surprising second with 66 percent, given the amount of bad PR that Woods (53 percent) and Roethlisberger (57 percent) had in the past year.

Other names in the bottom 10 include Allen Iverson, Terrell Owens and Alex Rodriguez.

Iverson came in ninth in the poll, which is also surprising since he's been out of the public eye for much of the past year.

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