Tom Brady's niece is a high school softball prodigy

Let's be honest: It really is unfair how athletically inclined certain families are. Between all the Matthews across the NFL, Mannings at the quarterback position and Williams dominating the WTA, there's barely any room in professional sports for the rest of us.

And apparently you can add the Brady family to the list.

We're of course talking about Tom Brady, who as we learned on Monday, isn't just one of the greatest quarterbacks to play, but also has a niece who could one day make the same claim in softball. Her name is Maya, and, as a freshman at Oaks Christian High School in California, has already staked claim to being one of the best players on one of the best teams in the state.

Oaks Christian is 27-1-1 this season, and Maya has emerged as one of the team's stars, according to an article from the Ventura County Star:

Those are staggering numbers for any player, let alone one making her high school debut this season. They're so good that Maya Brady has reportedly verbally committed to UCLA, a school with 12 softball National Championships.

Not bad, although that doesn't keep her uncle, the famous Patriots quarterback, from weighing in with advice every so often.