Todd Bowles says he used to eat McDonald's four times a week as a player

New York Jets head coach Todd Bowles is a big advocate of player health and staying physically fit. This offseason, he challenged Brandon Marshall to lose weight by eating healthier and running more often, which Marshall did with ease.

However, Bowles wasn’t always the healthiest eater. During his days in the NFL, Bowles was on a mostly-fast-food diet, and he wasn’t alone. While with the Redskins, he and his teammates had a set schedule for their meals.

He says they ate McDonald’s four times a week.

"Quarter-pounder with cheese, apple pie and French fries," Bowles said.

Understandably, a reporter didn’t believe he was serious. Playing safety in the NFL, you have to be both strong and fast, so it's surprising to hear Bowles say he didn't eat vegetables and grilled chicken every day.

Bowles had to assure everyone that he wasn’t joking.

"Yes we did. Every single day," Bowles said. "Friday was Italian day and we had pizza and Italian food. Monday through Thursday we had McDonald's."

One can only wonder what the Redskins ate on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe on those days they had salads with broccoli on the side. It’s obvious Bowles isn’t putting his players on diets similar to his 30 years ago, and rightfully so.

"Thirty is the new 25, I guess," Bowles said of Forte. "Him, guys like Brandon (Marshall), they take care of their bodies. They play a long time for a reason. They know what to eat. They know how to eat. They know how to train. And they take it very seriously."