Terrell Suggs rips Schaub: 'Your guys are the guys in purple'

Baltimore Ravens backup quarterback Matt Schaub has been the target of some pretty hefty insults thrown his way by pass rusher Terrell Suggs this summer in camp.

Getting picked on and booed by fans is one thing, but when your teammates take to teasing, that’s pretty low. Suggs reportedly had this to say when Schaub threw a pass out of bounds in practice:

Everything up until the throw looked really good,” Suggs said, per the Baltimore Sun.

Schaub reportedly looked up at Suggs after the comment then looked away. Later in the practice session, Schaub managed to evade safety Will Hill and completed a pass to rookie wide receiver DeAndre Carter.

Suggs put his two cents worth in regarding the completed pass:

“It’s OK, Will,” Suggs shouted. “A broken clock is right twice a day.”

According to the newspaper, it reported that Suggs has been mercilessly bashing Schaub for days and even had the gall to say “your guys are the guys in purple” after Schaub tossed a series of incomplete passes.

Unfortunately for Schaub, it doesn’t look like Suggs teasing will let up anytime soon. Even if he does something right, Suggs will likely chalk Schaub’s positive play up to coincidence until it becomes commonplace.

Sadly, horrible play has been the hallmark of the embattled quarterback over the past couple of seasons. He threw more picks than touchdowns and endured endless sacks during this stretch, which is all most of us think about when we visualize Schaub on the field.

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