Terrell Suggs backs Tom Brady, calls him a 'winner'

By David Cunningham

It’s no mystery that Terrell Suggs is one of the most feared men in football and always puts forth a little extra effort against the New England Patriots.  It is somewhat of a surprise, however, that the Baltimore Ravens linebacker sides with Patriots quarterback Tom Brady on the Deflategate controversy.

Suggs doesn’t give credence to the idea that the legacy of Tom Brady has been smeared as a result of Deflategate allegations.

“The guy (Brady) is a winner,” Suggs told ESPN.

“He’s won with whatever kind of personnel that he’s had. So I don’t think it (Deflategate) really tarnished it … Everybody needs something to write about and needs something to talk about. It’s always something. I’m leaving that alone.”

We’re used to Suggs trash-talking and terrorizing quarterbacks across the league, but his take on Deflategate is definitely a nice change of pace. Maybe his comments are a sign that the 32-year-old linebacker will take it easy on the Patriots and four-time Super Bowl champion Brady if the two teams square up in the playoffs — although, we’re going to go ahead and say that’s probably not the case.

Brady’s appeal of his four-game suspension will begin June 23rd, and the case will be heard by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. For the Patriots’ sake, let’s hope Roger Goodell comes to his senses, follows in Suggs’ footsteps and allows Tom Brady to take the field on opening night against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

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