Tebow: 'Tebowing' craze a 'blessing'

The growing phenomenon of Tebowing, which sees people record themselves kneeling in a prayer pose in tribute to NFL star Tim Tebow, has gained its biggest endorsement yet -- from the Broncos quarterback himself.

Tebow was alerted to the craze, popularized by Denver native Jared Kleinstein's Tebowing website, by teammate Von Miller, who pointed him toward the proliferation of photos uploaded online, the Denver Post reported.

"What's funny about it is how rapidly it's caught on, and how much it has taken off," Tebow said Friday.

While his critics have adopted Tebowing as another way to mock the former Florida star, who is famed for his deep religious devotion, Tebow insisted he was focused only on those taking inspiration from his prayer position.

"It's not my job to see people's reasons behind it, but I know [of a kid] with cancer that tweeted me, 'Tebowing while I'm chemoing' -- how cool is that?" Tebow said. "That's worth it right now. If that gives him any encouragement or puts a smile on his face, or gives him encouragement to pray, that's completely awesome."

Even Kleinstein, a dedicated Tebow fan, opened the door to ridicule with his definition of the practice as "to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different."

But Tebow was taking the description at face value.

"It is serious, for me," Tebow said. "At least it's being talked about, and that's a cool thing. If I can help be an example of that, then I look at that as a blessing."

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