Super Bowl XLIV diary (Day 5): Who Dat Invasion

Friday, February 5, 2010

Who Dat Invasion

“The people of New Orleans love the Saints not because they provide a distraction from their fall, but because they are a reflection of their rise.”

Saints fans are pouring into Miami. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I’d say we have the Colts outnumbered, at least 10 to 1….another example of how deep this connection runs. What this says to me is, ticket or no ticket, they’re with us. Black and Gold is taking over the city…sort of a Who Dat Invasion. I read an article the other day in the Times-Pic (New Orleans’ local paper) — a letter from the Who Dat Nation to the city of Miami. The gist of this letter? “Hey Miami, you think you’ve ordered enough beer, but think again. We’re different.”

The passage above is a text my wife sent me last week. She heard it on-line somewhere and knew I’d love it. One of the best things about this journey is that I get to enjoy it with her, someone who appreciates the connection and “gets it” like I do. Remember how cool Adrian was in the Rocky movies? Well Jaclyn is my Adrian.

The week is winding down, but the tension is building for the big game. I get constant reminders about how special this week is. One of my best friends and former teammates, Kawika Mitchell, came in today with his family. He won a Super Bowl with the Giants in 2007, and I know how much he wants this for my family and me. Kawika kidnapped our brother-in-law Brandon tonight to showcase some of the Super Bowl festivities. My guess is that they’ll return in a drunken stupor.

My high school buddy, Nate Haros, has been texting motivational passages all week from some of our favorite movies. This game is about all the guys I grew up with too. [Assistant coach] Joe Vitt always reminds us to never forget where we came from. There were a lot of people who loved us when there was no upside to loving us, and I’m honored to play in this game for them.

Highlight of the day: Jaclyn’s email. My wife sent me an email this morning reminding me of all the things we’ve been through the last 10 years together. Pretty powerful stuff. Like I said, she’s my Adrian.

Low-point of the day: Bed check. Today was our first night of the week with curfew and bed check. Not a big deal … someone from the staff goes door to door, pokes their head in your hotel room, and makes sure you’re in your room sleeping. We’re used to this when we go on the road. But this guy, whoever it was, comes all the way in, blurts my name out a few times until I respond, and even turns my freakin’ lights on! It took me at least an hour to fall back asleep. My off-season mission is to find that person and ruin a few nights’ sleep for him.