Super Bowl champ works as intern

Super Bowl champion Torrey Smith spent the first month of his offseason the same way many college students spend their summers — interning.

On the advice of the Baltimore Ravens player development office, Smith signed up for an internship under Maryland US Representative Elijah Cummings after he found himself with some extra free time before the start of offseason workouts. And, from all accounts, it looks like Cummings is putting the wideout to work.

“I was handling files, reading letters, relaying them, typing up what sponsors say, printing stuff,” Smith told “I was the office guy. … It was fun though. I enjoyed it.”

The 24-year-old Smith says he does most of his work out of the government office in Baltimore, but he has also made the occasional trip down to Washington DC. So why did he spend his down time sorting mail instead of lounging on a beach somewhere? Smith says it’s all about broadening his horizons.

“It’s about seeing what’s out there,” he said. “As an athlete I feel like I always said, ‘Man, I can’t wait till I can just play football and I don’t have to worry about school.’ Now that all we do is work out and you have the rest of the day, I feel like I’m limiting myself if I don’t do anything else.”

The job winds down this week, after which Smith will turn his attention back to defending Baltimore’s Super Bowl championship.