Super Bowl 2017 Betting Odds: New England Patriots the favorite over Atlanta Falcons

Super Bowl 2017 betting odds are favoring the New England Patriots over the Atlanta Falcons.

The New England Patriots are three-point favorites over the Atlanta Falcons for the Super Bowl 2017 odds per The Odds Shark. The point total is 58 points.

This shouldn’t be surprising, especially considering that other sources like Bovada Sports have the Patriots with the better odds as well.

The Patriots enter the 2017 Super bowl with a wealth of experience, most of it stemming from head coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady. The two have been to five Super Bowls combined and continue to play at the highest level of any team in the NFL.

If any team in the NFL is a machine, it’s the Patriots. Even before the season began, the Pats were among the teams most favored to win a Super Bowl. Perennial contenders, this, like the Super Bowl 2017 odds shortly before the game, shouldn’t be shocking. Comparatively, the Falcons had 150-to-1 odds of winning the Super Bowl before the season began.

What would be shocking is if the Patriots did come out and completely stink it up against the Falcons. The Falcons have the ability to turn this game into an offensive fireworks show, but the odds of the Patriots simply letting the Falcons walk all over them are pretty slim. Nobody takes away a team’s top weapon quite like Belichick does. He’s simply too good with his game plans.

Similarly, it would be surprising to see the Patriots completely eliminate the Falcons offense. There will definitely be some impressive offensive moments from the Falcons regardless of how well the Patriots play, they’re just that good.

But, for now, it looks like the people willing to put money where their mouths are have the Patriots coming out ahead.

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