18 of the Shortest NFL Players of All-Time

The NFL is a league of giants, where players often tower over their opponents. Yet, a handful of underdogs have proven that you don't have to be tall to stand out. Take a look at this list of some of the shortest players ever in the NFL:

Shortest NFL players of all time:

https://statics.foxsports.com/static/orion/player-embed.html?id=fmc-uwyb5mvsbsg0fvco&image=https://static-media.fox.com/fmc/prod/sports/a7dc351a-c186-43df-8e4c-d54d29b5f60b/6rjsaerye5px1dse.jpg&props=eyJwYWdlX25hbWUiOiJmc2NvbTpzdG9yaWVzOm5mbDoxOCBvZiB0aGUgU2hvcnRlc3QgTkZMIFBsYXllcnMgb2YgQWxsLVRpbWUiLCJwYWdlX2NvbnRlbnRfZGlzdHJpYnV0b3IiOiJhbXAiLCJwYWdlX3R5cGUiOiJzdG9yaWVzOmFydGljbGVzIn0= Loading Video…

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Who is the shortest player ever in the NFL?

The shortest player ever in the NFL is Jack Shapiro at 5'1". Jack "Soupy" Shapiro played for the Staten Island Stapletons in 1929. 

Who is the shortest active player in the NFL?

The shortest active player in the NFL is Deuce Vaughn, who is a running back for the Dallas Cowboys.