Sean Payton wants TV networks to stop showing training camp fights

We've seen the NFL create plenty of highlights over the past few weeks of training camp. Unfortunately, many of them have come in the form of training camp fights. For many, including Sean Payton, it's becoming a trend that's aggravating to watch unfold.

As Mike Triplett of ESPN explains, the head coach of the New Orleans Saints has an idea for how the NFL may be able to stop the fights.

"You guys watched it last night," Payton said of Tuesday's melee between the Dallas Cowboys and St. Louis Rams. "For as much as we're harping about avoiding it, hell, the network puts it on 11 times."

The man makes a good point. The NFL wants the fights to stop, but unfortunately, they're getting so much air time that it almost seems to be adding fuel to the fire. It's tough to predict if the fights not being aired would help stop them from starting, but hey, at this point anything is worth a shot.

(h/t ESPN)