San Diego Chargers: The nightmare continues

Last week I wrote about a nightmare season thinking it couldn’t get worse, then the Carolina game happened. Melvin Gordon and Joey Bosa left the game injured, Philip Rivers has 5 turnovers and now Tenny Palepoi is suspended for 4 games for PED use. Even though it’s now legal in California, I still haven’t tried marijuana but I’m starting to lean in that direction. I figure it’s better than throwing whatever is close by ( Pillows, pets, kids, wife…)  at the television.

Anyway, I feel like I owe some of you an apology. You were right. The offensive line play is not getting better, it’s getting worse. The receivers have not improved, partially due to injuries, and what in the world has happened to Travis Benjamin? Tight end play is actually pretty good and Kenneth Farrow played well…considering everything. But with Rivers and the o-line struggling, it makes the rest of the offense sort of inconsequential. Problems with Mike McCoy, Whiz and the offensive staff.

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    Hidden in all of this is a defense that’s played pretty darn well even with some major injuries. Hard for a defense to overcome five turnovers and keep the team in the game and yet, they almost did. Carolina’s drives after turnovers ended up in field goals more than touchdowns which at least gave the Bolts a chance. Statistically, the Chargers don’t look good unless you throw in the O’s turnovers, then they look decent and they play hard. Hats off to John Pagano and the defensive staff.

    Moving forward… IT’S RAIDER WEEK. Until last week, Derek Carr looked like the MVP. I just hope he has another game like he did against KC. We might have a chance. It’s hard to imagine that the Raiders are really as good as they’ve played this year but we’ll probably find out Sunday. At this point of the year with the record being what it is, I usually don’t mind if the Bolts lose but it’s the Raiders. I was there for the Holy Roller and the AFC championship game  loss in 1980, and the stretch when it seemed the Raiders got every single break, especially in close games (except against the Steelers). So I just can’t secretly hope for a loss to improve draft position this weekend. It’s the RAIDERS!

    For the first time I’m starting to lose some faith in McCoy. While injuries have been a huge problem, it seemed that the combination of McCoy/Whisenhunt has not had the magic I’d hoped it would. A lot of injuries on the offensive side but that’s somewhat true with most teams. The Chargers just haven’t made the most of it and seem to have made the worst of it sometimes.

    The Bolts need to beat Oakland to restore faith in Mankind. Otherwise, the world’s upside down again and I have to face the shame of conversing with all those misguided Raider fans. Time to stop the nightmare!

    Chargers by 3