Richard Sherman does entire press conference wearing a Harry Potter costume

Halloween is less than a week away, but Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman couldn’t wait to show off his costume this year. He made the big reveal at his press conference Wednesday, showing up to the podium wearing a – wait for it – Harry Potter costume!

Sherman is a self-proclaimed nerd, always confessing his infatuation with Pokemon, video games and, now, Harry Potter. His wardrobe was even complete with a wand, which he pointed at reporters in the crowd.

Wearing a costume to the presser wasn’t Sherman’s idea. It was actually his son’s.

“This is a serious occasion – it’s Halloween. My son told me he wanted me to wear something, so it’s happening,” he said. Sherman wouldn’t reveal his son’s costume choice, though, saying he told him to take it to his grave.

Sherman said his favorite movie in the series is “Order of the Phoenix,” and he also revealed which house he’s a member of.

Sherman is clearly in the Halloween spirit.