Rich Eisen ran his best 40-yard dash ever at the 2016 NFL Combine

At the 2015 NFL Combine, for the first time since 2005 when Rich Eisen first began running 40-yard dashes in a suit, the NFL Network host posted a time that wasn't at least equal to if not slightly better than the last. One year after posting his first-ever sub-6 40, Eisen put up a disappointing-but-still-respectable-for-a-guy-doing-this-in-a-suit 6.10. 

This year, Eisen got guzzied up for his 11th annual run -- benefitting St. Jude's Children Research Hospital -- and posted his best-ever time: 5.94, 0.83 seconds better than his original time (6.77). 

Honestly, Eisen owes it all to that start. He drives his knee up off of the mark, doesn't pick his head up until halfway through, and strides it out all the way through the finish line. It's incredibly adequate form. What's more, Eisen wasn't really that far off from having a competitive time.