Rex to Enemkpali before Bills-Browns practice: No fighting


Buffalo Bills head coach Rex Ryan, eater of dog biscuits (for charity) obviously is known as something of a joker, not to mention a pusher of buttons perhaps best left not pushed. This is why it shouldn’t be surprising in the least that he used an ugly incident that ultimately landed IK Enemkpali on his roster as comedic fodder ahead of a joint practice the team was holding on Monday with the Cleveland Browns.

Ryan was addressing both teams before the practice commenced, during which he stressed that fighting would not be tolerated. He then reportedly singled out Enemkpali to bring home the point.

Ryan said afterward that he and Browns head coach Mike Pettine decided to lighten the mood with some lecture-based hijinks at the expense of the linebacker.

“Me and Mike basically talked them about [not fighting] and we had a little fun at, about something,” he said, via ESPN.

Enemkpali of course was involved in a locker room confrontation with then-Jets teammate Geno Smith, one that left the previously anointed Jets starting signal-caller with a busted jaw that will knock him out of the lineup for 6-10 weeks.

When asked if was specifically singling out Enemkpali due to his recent history with unsanctioned pugilism, Ryan wouldn’t bite.

“Nah,” he replied, “I’m not saying that.”

That Rex Ryan. Quite the wisenheimer. Another reason why it didn’t surprise many of his former Jets players that he plucked Enemkpali off waivers after he was cut by the Jets in the first place.

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