Rex Ryan had his lap band removed: 'I won more games without it'

Rob Ryan moved north to join his brother Rex in Buffalo on the Bills coaching staff after a disappointing stint with the New Orleans saints. They immediately became the most interesting duo in the league, riding tandem bicycles and enjoying the sports-centric city that is Buffalo.

There were also reports that Rex had gained weight after the arrival of his brother. There’s now an explanation for those rumors, which turned out to be true. Rex told the New York Post that he had his lap band – a device that restricts the stomach and prevents overeating – removed after undergoing an arthroscopic procedure.

The reason: his twin brother, Rob. Rex did it to support his brother, who had trouble with his lap band. As a result, Rex has gained about 30 pounds.

“I told him, we’ll figure this out together (without the lap band),” Ryan said. “Plus, I won more games without it than did with it in.”

Ryan had a great deal of success in his weight loss with the lap band, shedding over 120 pounds.