Remember TV anchor whose Michael Sam speech went viral? He's back

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Remember TV sports anchor Dale Hansen?

Back in February, after former Missouri defensive end Michael Sam came out as gay, Hansen launched an impressive monologue over the airwaves of the Dallas-Fort Worth ABC affiliate.

In his speech, Hansen blasted the hypocrisy and the negative reaction surrounding Sam's announcement.

Hansen ripped to shreds the reported concerns of anonymous NFL officials, and his eloquent, impassioned, cogent argument quickly went viral.

If you missed it, you should watch it:

Well, now that Sam's been drafted, Hansen has more to say on the matter. In another poignant speech Monday filled with insight, humor and sarcasm, he starts by scoffing at how late in the draft Sam ultimately was picked. (He went to the St. Louis Rams with the 249th pick in the seventh round.)

"248 (players) better than the SEC's defensive player of the year? There's just no way," Hansen says.

Hansen then expresses astonishment that some were so critical of the televised image of Sam kissing his boyfriend after learning he'd been drafted.

"When Sam was seen celebrating with his family -- and boyfriend -- the world apparently shook, we almost collided with the sun, and yet SOMEHOW, we have survived another day," Hansen tells his audience.

There's plenty more to watch in this follow-up -- Hansen even gets in a dig at former Texas quarterback Case McCoy -- but much of the monologue can be summed up with this line:

"I do not understand why so many people are so afraid of a gay man in an NFL locker room. I think the other players are gonna be OK."