Redskins KR Banks has tube inserted

Washington Redskins kick returner Brandon Banks had a tube inserted in his chest and remained hospitalized following a stabbing.

Banks' agent, James Gould, said Tuesday that Banks is still expected to have a 100 percent recovery from the stabbing that occurred outside a D.C. nightclub early Saturday.

Gould originally described Banks' injury as a surface wound to the side and said that Banks would go home within a day. Gould now says he's not certain when Banks will be discharged.

"He has a left chest wound from the knife," Gould said. "He has a tube inserted in, and until the tube's removed, he won't be released from the hospital."

Police said the stabbing happened outside an upscale downtown nightclub after a man got into an argument with two men and stabbed them. Banks' friend, Christopher Nixon, received more serious wounds and remains hospitalized. A suspect - Jason Shorter, 24, of Lanham, Md. - has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.

"Brandon is a victim in the case, and the investigation is ongoing," Gould said. "Brandon is not implicated in any wrongdoing."

Banks, 23, made a quick impression as an undrafted rookie out of Kansas State last season. He returned a punt 53 yards the first time he touched the ball in an NFL game and had a 96-yard kickoff return for a touchdown. He was also the lightest player in the NFL, listed at 5-foot-7, 155 pounds.

Gould said the injuries from the stab wound should have no effect on Banks' football career.