Raiders, A's owners don't want to share the Coliseum property

Cue the tumbleweeds. Oakland has a good ole fashioned stadium standoff on its hands.

The shared Raiders-A's facility isn't big enough for the both of them. Neither Oakland-area team will budge from its demands to fullu control the O.Co Coliseum site, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

The Raiders want to tear down the current Coliseum to build a football-only home. Ditto for the A's and a baseball-only field at the site. 

The sad truth? The teams could co-exist if they really wanted to, but neither is willing to compromise.

“There is plenty of room for both a football- and a baseball-only stadium at the current Oakland Coliseum site, but neither owner wants to share the facility,” said Oakland City Councilman Larry Reid. “At some point, the city and county are going to have to make a decision."

Expect to Raiders to emerge from that power struggle. They've got the leverage of Los Angeles and a viable (albeit reportedly disadvantageous) stadium plan already proposed.

The A's are digging in for a long fight too. Suddenly, the fight to keep the Raiders in the Bay Area has become a two-front war.

(h/t San Francisco Chronicle)