POLL: Who do you believe more in Deflategate, Belichick or Brady?
Thursday was a day of denials in Foxborough.
After several days of Deflategate buildup, hype, questions and enough media coverage worthy of a juicy political scandal, the football world finally heard from the men who could hopefully provide us with the answer to the following question:
Who deflated Tom Brady's footballs?
With NFL writers, media members, analysts, current and former players AND politicians chiming in since we first heard about 11 of 12 of New England's first-half game balls not meeting the league's minimum inflation guidelines in Syunday's AFC title win vs. the Colts, we finally got not one, but two press conferences on Thursday with each of the Patriots' power couple: head coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady.
First, it was Belichick who stepped to the podium at 9:30 a.m. ET — beginning with a prepared statement (and very lengthy one, for his standards) in which he denied any knowledge of game-day football specifications.
"In my entire coaching career, I have never talked to any player, staff member about football air pressure," he said.
At one point, he seemed to subtly nudge reporters present to check with his top gun, Mr. Brady himself.
"Tom's personal preference on his footballs are something he can talk about in much better detail than I can probably possibly provide," Belichick said.
That set the stage for the afternoon session, with Brady (originally scheduled to speak to the media on Friday) facing the media music, offering explanations such as:
"I didn't alter the ball in any way."
"I would never do anything outside the rules of play."
"I was as surprised as anybody when I heard Monday morning what is happening."
So, now that the powerful Patriots have spoken, and admitted to nothing, do you believe them? Which was more authentic?
Vote in the poll, share your comments down below and share this link to pose the question to more fans.