Pierre Garcon tells the Washington Redskins exactly what to do with Kirk Cousins

The Washington Redskins have hit an impasse in contract negotiations with quarterback Kirk Cousins, which creates a sticky problem for the team.

The Redskins don't want to expose themselves with an exorbitant contract based on approximately half a season of high-level performance from Cousins for fear it was something of a fluke and Cousins isn't actually an elite NFL quarterback.

But at the same time, this is a club that has struggled mightily to produce quality quarterback play, so how can Washington NOT lock up a QB who will, at worst, be productive if not exceptional?

To Redskins receiver Pierre Garcon, the choice is obvious. In a tweet Wednesday morning, he told Washington exactly what it needs to do with Cousins -- pony up and open the wallet.

Given that you have zero chance of being competitive in the NFL without a good quarterback and Cousins has a high chance of at least being a good QB, Washington should listen to Garcon and #PayTheMan.