My Cause, My Cleats: Oakland Raiders
A list of the causes the Oakland Raiders will be supporting in Week 13’s My Cause, My Cleats campaign.
In Week 13, the NFL will allow players to wear custom cleats to bring awareness to various causes in a campaign called My Cause, My Cleats.
Here is a list of every player on the Raiders, as well as Mark Davis, who will be wearing cleats to support a cause. The name, the cause, and the color of the cleats:
This is awesome, and in my opinion, is the best thing the NFL has done in quite some time. Athletes, whether they like it or not, are HUGE role models for today’s youth. Bringing awareness to all these causes can have a tremendous impact on each.
Just look at what something as silly as the Ice Bucket Challenge did for ALS, raising millions of dollars.
This cause will also lead to financial benefits to many different charities, as athletes will be permitted to auction their cleats after the games, with 100% of the money received going to a charity of that athlete’s choice.
The entire Raiders front office and game day staff will also have the opportunity to wear cause-related, colored shoes in support for the campaign. They will be participating in an on-field moment during the performance of the National Anthem just prior to kickoff. The Raiderettes will also show support for a member of their team who is battling Diabetes by wearing gray sneakers for their pregame warm-ups.
“The Raiders are excited to offer support to the My Cause, My Cleats campaign and for the entire organization to have the opportunity to show support and appreciation for all of the causes that will be showcased on Sunday,” said Raiders President Marc Badain.
There are 23 total players on the Raiders who are participating, and the NFL expects over 500 players to showcase their custom cleats in Week 13. Many of whom went to Nike, Under Armour or Adidas directly to have their cleats design.
That is the case for the majority of the Raiders, but DeAndre Washington actually had his cleats designed by equipment manager Bobby Romanski. did a fantastic piece on Romanski and his passion for design. He’s done custom work for Raiders in the past, and it really is a cool story.
Click on the link embedded here to see pictures of many of the players cleats.
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