Los Angeles Rams' mermaid truther gets a surprise at camp

It appears that the NFL or HBO or maybe someone from Disneyland decided to send a woman dressed as a mermaid to Rams camp on Monday to play to the imagination of Rams defensive lineman William Hayes.

Or maybe we're all wrong and this mermaid finally vindicates Hayes, who believes mermaids are totally real but dinosaurs are an archaeologist-perpetuated myth.

Here's Rams head coach Jeff Fisher discussed Hayes' beliefs on "Hard Knocks."

“Will Hayes absolutely believes and is totally convinced that there are mermaids and they do exist, OK," Fisher says. "As a matter of fact, I remember him getting really excited about the potential for moving out here because he knew he would be closer to mermaids here on the West Coast.”

Previously Hayes said of mermaids: "I believe there is more of a chance you will find a mermaid than you will a dinosaur because we find different species in the water all the time."

Well, it's important to believe in something. We'll finish here: