Last day of minicamp cancelled

New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick is apparently content with the progress the Patriots have made heading into training camp in July as he cancelled the last mandatory OTA of the Patriots' minicamp which was set for Thursday.

When asked what specifically he saw that made him call off minicamp early, Belichick said, “Well you can see, we’€™ve got a lot of stuff in. We’€™ve done a lot of things. We’€™ve gotten into more situational football each day. We’€™ll just keep building on that. It’€™s good to expose it to them once and then the next time around hopefully it will come a little bit quicker.”

Belichick also realized that there is only so much improvement he sees his team making during three practices in the middle of June. He explained his decision to call off Thursday's practice further.

“We’€™re not going to conquer the world this week. But, we can just keep pushing forward on all the basic situations and then as many of those extra ones as we can get to just puts us that much further ahead down the road.”

Belichick and the Patriots will get some time off before they reconvene in July for training camp as they get set to defend their Super Bowl title. 

(h/t WEEI)

Photo Credit: USA TODAY Sports/Stew Milne