Judge: 2 McNair sons get trust money from estate

The widow of former NFL quarterback Steve McNair convinced a Nashville judge Friday to put more than $1 million from the athlete's estate into trusts for the couple's two sons.

Trenton and Tyler McNair, age 5 and 11 when their father was slain in 2009, stand to inherit millions more once the bulk of the former quarterback's estate is unfrozen.

The widow, Mechelle McNair, said in court documents that the trusts were a necessary financial protection for her sons, who had already received payments of $530,000 each. That money and all future payments to the sons will be placed in the trusts.

Steve McNair has two other sons from previous relationships. They have also received money from the estate.

The athlete died without a will, and the bulk of his estate, which was initially valued at $19.6 million, has been frozen until the case is resolved.

Under Tennessee law, when someone dies without a will, the surviving spouse is entitled to at least a third of the estate and the children get the rest.

Steve McNair was 36 when he was shot to death by his mistress, who then turned the gun on herself.

He played for 11 seasons with the Tennessee Titans and two with the Baltimore Ravens.