JPP looks skinny in workout video he posted to Instagram

On July 4, New York Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul suffered a hand injury as the result of a fireworks accident. Early speculation pegged Pierre-Paul's return to the playing field some time in the first half of the regular season, but recent reports have suggested he could miss the entire 2015 campaign.

In hopes of silencing the doubters, Pierre-Paul posted a workout video to his Instagram account. (Warning: There is some NSFW language in the audio.)

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

Pierre-Paul appears to look considerably smaller than his 2014 playing weight (listed at 278, according to the Giants' wesbite). Giants team doctors reportedly won't look at Pierre-Paul again for another five or six weeks, so a timetable for his return remains at best guesswork right now.

The shame for the two-time Pro Bowl defensive end and the Giants is that he is coming off a big rebound season, when he notched 12.5 sacks -- reaching double digits in sack totals for the second time in his career. Will he ever be the same?

(h/t JPP's Instagram)