Jim Harbaugh is Perfect for 'La La Land'

Harbaugh in Los Angeles would be teriffic entertainment.

Head coach Jeff Fischer was fired by the Los Angeles Rams yesterday. Rumors abound that Jim Harbaugh may be hired by the Rams to replace him. If that is the case, it won’t be a “made for TV movie” but a feature film.

Can you imagine Harbaugh walking the sidelines in L.A.? First, the Rams would be getting a coach that is a proven winner on both the collegiate and NFL level. Second, there would be plenty of drama that ‘La La Land’ craves even more than they do professional  football.

Everywhere Jim Harbaugh goes he is a headline or a soundbite waiting to happen. The coach is not afraid of making waves and travels to the beat of a different drummer.

Climbing trees to bring in a top-notch recruit, and aggravating the NCAA with a worldwide tour of satellite camps, will be a thing of the past. But plenty of other antics are to be expected.

That’s the beauty of the situation. Not only is Jim Harbaugh a terrific coach who will probably turn the Rams into a winner, he will have  paparazzi and reporters following him around to hear something he mIght say or do at any moment. That makes him a dream come true for the city.

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    Los Angeles fans love their professional sports teams but they love their celebrities even more. If Harbaugh says or does something that may not play elsewhere, it probably won’t be a big deal in Southern California. Los Angeles is one city where abnormal behavior is considered normal and most people believe all press is good press.

    Another thing Harbaugh could bring to the table is that he may be able to keep Rams’ fans around to the end of the game which could increase concession revenues. Los Angeles fans are well-known to leave a ball game early to beat the traffic, but they may not want to miss a Jim Harbaugh tirade where he throws something on the field and then have to hear about it from their buddy.

    To me it just seems like a perfect marriage and could make for a great movie. But with any movie, promotion is everything and corporate sponsorship certainly helps. The Rams will have both with the NFL. The league has been trying to get a team back in L.A. forever and will do whatever it takes to keep the Rams there.

    We will soon find out if Hollywood is going to make this movie. If they decide to, I think it will be a big hit in 49 states. I doubt that Michigan fans will want to watch it. They already know the movie has a sad ending.