James Harrison couldn't be more clear in proclaiming his PED innocence

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison is one of four NFL players the NFL wants to interview about their names being linked to PED use in an Al-Jazeera America report last winter, but he’s having none of it.

After the NFL requested interviews with Harrison, Green Bay Packers linebackers Clay Matthews and Julius Peppers and free-agent linebacker Mike Neal at the commencement of training camps, Harrison said he’d only submit to an interview if NFL commissioner Roger Goodell came to his house.

Then, on Tuesday, Harrison’s attorney sent the NFL an affidavit that he says addresses each of the concerns in the Al-Jazeera America report – ostensibly to take the place of an interview.

The bottom line – spelled out in a letter that accompanies the affidavit – is that Harrison believes the Al-Jazeera America report (which was largely based on accusations that have since been withdrawn by former anti-aging clinic intern Charles Sly) doesn’t meet the NFL’s threshold of evidence needed to even request an interview.

So Harrison’s statements about the report are pretty clear: 1. He’s never met Sly; 2. He’s never communicated with Sly; 3. He’s never been supplied with or ingested the PED Sly mentioned in the report; 4. He’s never violated the NFL’s PED policy.

Your move, NFL.