Jake Plummer crushes Cowboys owner Jerry Jones in medical marijuana rant

Over the past few months, more and more NFL players have come out in favor of medical marijuana use, with everyone from Eugene Monroe to Derrick Morgan publicly discussing the benefits it could bring to players suffering from chronic pain.

However, while those guys have quietly, calmly, rationally discussed cannabis' benefits, another former NFL player spoke up on Wednesday. And he was anything but quiet.

That would be Jake Plummer, who came out fired up when discussing marijuana, as well as the public perception of players who want to use it to deal with pain. Specifically he talked about the divide between the perception of players and ownership in public in an interview with BSN Denver.

Specifically, Plummer referenced how Josh Gordon has essentially been black-balled by the league after multiple positive tests.

While the tone of Plummer's comments (specifically about owners) are what will get the headlines, in a larger, broader sense, Plummer's point is well-taken. The simple truth is that NFL players deal with pain and injury on a scale unlike virtually anyone else, in any other profession. Therefore, in Plummer's estimation they should be able to medicate how they want, and as he explained later in the interview, marijuana is a better alternative than prescription pain killers.  

Whether you agree with Plummer or not, they are interesting points.

And after so many people have tried to take make the argument on behalf of medical marijuana in a calm, rational way, maybe it will take Plummer's loud, outspoken voice to get folks to pay attention.