How does DeSean Jackson maintain his breakneck speed?

Since the first day he came in the league, DeSean Jackson has been known for his breakaway speed and the ability to create a big play down the field. 

Jackson was one of the best deep ball threats in the entire league when playing for the Philadelphia Eagles and after signing with Washington in the off season he's proved to be a valuable commodity despite the team's overall woes on offense.

Jackson has thus far scored three touchdowns already this season with plays of 60-yards or more with another coming from 52 yards out. 

To ensure that he's always in tip-top physical condition, Jackson shared some of his workout secrets recently to showcase what it takes to get his kind of quickness and agility on the field.  While Jackson is not a physical receiver like Detroit Lions' pro-bowler Calvin Johnson, he opts to out work and run past defenders to score his touchdowns.

In this exclusive interview and video, Jackson breaks down what he does in and out of the season to make sure his legs stay in shape and he's always at least one step ahead of the players trying to catch up to him.  It seems to be working pretty well so far considering the way he's been able to stretch the field this season to give quarterback Kirk Cousins a legitimate threat on offense, each and every play.