DPD Bettors' Guide-Week 6 Mea Culpa Edition

Dawg Pound Daily writer Roger Cohen may have been off on his Cleveland Browns pick last week, but is looking to redeem  himself in this week’s bettor’s guide.

Well, so much for my hunch that the Cleveland Browns might “shock the sports world” last week. The only shock was that the score wasn’t worse than 33-10, because if you watched it from kick-off to the final gun, it sure felt worse.

However, I deserve a “do over” on my  Dawg Pound Daily staff prediction since I also wrote “This prediction not valid if Browns botch a snap, fumble in the red zone, or miss a >50 yard FG. Or if Brady throws for 400 yards.”

Officially, he threw for 406 yards — most it seemed on the Pats first possession.

My other two picks –  the Chargers +3.5 and the Giants +7.5 — both won, each by that blessed half point, or “”hook” as the wiseguy bettors call it.

My sports focus this week is all Tribe, all the time, but there might be some poor soul out there  reading this. Poorer if he’s betting this way.

    Next: Bringing in Art Briles is a bad move

      Last week 2-1. Season Record 8-12.

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