Dolphins to face whiny Bill Belichick after flight delay

The Miami Dolphins kick-off today at 1:00 and already tension in South Florida is beginning to boil.

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    First the New England Patriots flight was delayed almost three hours (sorry blame that on the Northeast weather) forcing their plane to arrive around 8:45 last night in Miami. The delay forced the Patriots to change team meeting schedules.

    This morning head coach Bill Belichick took a walk on the Hard Rock Stadium field and apparently, he isn’t thrilled. According to a report by Jeff Howard of the Boston Herald. Apparently the field is in horrible condition after hosting the Orange Bowl two days ago.

    Belichick is likely just being his old bitter self. The Dolphins regularly host back to back Hurricane and Dolphins games with only a day in between with little to no problems. Two days for a top class field crew is more than enough.

    If the field is in bad shape you can bet it will hurt both teams equally. What won’t be equal is the acclimation for the Patriots to the South Florida temperatures. Belichick who typically brings his team to Miami two days ahead of the game chose to bring them down one day early.

    With the delay in flight and the apparent field conditions not up to Belichick standards, it’s nice to see that Miami is already getting underneath his skin. Now if the Dolphins can physically manhandle the Patriots on the field, Belichick can return home even more pissed off.

    At least there is a very good chance that his head sets won’t fail like they tend to do in New Englans for visiting teams.