Day in life of Aaron Hernandez

Though the details of Aaron Hernandez’s future remains to be seen, more is being learned about his current daily routine and privileges in Massachusetts’ Bristol County House of Corrections.

In a phone call with on Wednesday, Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson revealed the following details on Hernandez’s day-to-day life in prison.

Visitation rights

• Hernandez has to submit a list of up to five people he wants to allow access to visit him each week.

• Those five people—and that's the maximum—are then put through a very detailed screening process, where there are background checks on all of them. Every requested visitor needs to be approved by the Sherriff’s department. That process usually takes 48 hours. A criminal background or a history of suspicious activity are two reasons a visitor could be denied.

• Hernandez is given just one hour per week for these visits, can have only one visitor at a time and can divide that hour up however he wishes. He can have one visitor in for the full hour, he can have two visitors in for 30 minutes apiece, or he can have five visitors, split across the full 60 minutes. Those 60 minutes can not be divided throughout the week, but rather, all in one consecutive span.

• Any visitor has to be approved by Hernandez, first. What’s that mean? Well, even if Tom Brady or Tim Tebow were to decide they wanted to take a trip up to Bristol, Mass., and drop in to visit their ex-teammate, they would need to go through the formal process of getting in touch with Hernandez, Hernandez putting them on his list of five visitors for week, and them being approved by the sheriff’s department.

Daily Routine

• Hernandez currently spends 21 hours of the day in his cell and three hours outside of it. He had just one hour outside of the cell last week, but that’s been increased to three. The first hour outside, he can use the phone and he can use the shower. The second hour, according to Hodgson, “he can mill around the facility”. The third hour, he has access to what’s known as “the rec yard”. However, there are no weights or basketball courts or anything like that at this facility.

• Hernandez currently has no direct interactions with other inmates, but they can hear and see him. He can see and hear them, as well.

• Hernandez has his own cell. It contains a bed, a desk, and a combination sink/toilet.


• Hernandez’s attorneys have no limits on number of times they can visit or how long they can stay. The attorneys must alert the jail they are coming and they accommodate his schedule.

• There is a book exchange, which Hernandez has access to. He also has access to writing material.

• Hernandez has no access to email, but he has limited access to the phone, which he can use in that one hour.