David Wilson flips out after scoring TD

David Wilson has been known to celebrate his touchdowns with backflips, but given the New York Giants’ dumpster fire of a season so far, he must have figured the team needed some extra motivation.

So after Wilson put the Giants up 7-0 with his first touchdown of the season Sunday against the Eagles, he commemorated the occasion with not one, but two backflips in the Giants' end zone.

Of course, Wilson’s foray into acrobatics didn’t end up helping all that much in the end. Philadelphia scored 19 unanswered points before the half and ended up winning 36-21. And because there was plenty of bad luck to go around, Wilson also left the game after suffering a neck injury.

But hey, at least he’s trying. And if nothing else, we’ll always have this awesome GIF of Wilson’s backflips on loop to remember him by: