Dallas broadcaster goes off on Cowboys owner Jerry Jones

By Mark Fishman

It's been a frustrating year for the the Dallas Cowboys. After beginning the season 2-0, the Cowboys have lost seven straight games after star quarterback Tony Romo went down with a collarbone injury.

In the wake of the Cowboys' struggles, longtime Dallas sports broadcaster Norm Hitzges had a few things to get off of his chest on The Ticket 1310 AM/96.7 FM in regard to controversial Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.

"If you enjoy being laughed at, Jerry, then revel in it," Hitzges said on Tuesday. "Climb right into the spotlight and revel in it. Your team is now the most ridiculous team in the National Football League."

Hitzges went on to question Jones' perceived control over head coach Jason Garrett.

"Look at a coach that you have castrated! Does Jason Garrett have any control of personnel? Absolutely not. If he had control of personnel, some of the people that started the year on this team wouldn't be here," Hitzges' epic rant continued. "Does he have any control of discipline? Oh, please. Please. That's funnier than a Seinfeld routine."

Hitzges then went on to criticize Jones regarding his lack of disciplinary control of his team.

"Doesn't it hurt to keep giving guys like Josh Brent and Joseph Randle and Greg Hardy and ad nauseam chances to play again and they laugh at you? They take your money and shoot you a freakin' finger every week? Where the hell is your soul, Jerry?"

Finally, Hitzges ended his rant with a statement many Cowboys fans would likely agree with.

"This isn't a seven-game losing streak. This is a surrender of your freakin' soul." 

Norm Hitzges, ladies and gentlemen, with a rant for the ages.

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