Chandler Jones sneaks up on grocery-shopping Jimmy Garoppolo

"Can I get a picture with you, sir?" That's what professional athletes get asked on a daily basis -- typically by fans. Not New England Patriots quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo. He gets asked that question by his own teammates. That's how cool this kid is.

While strolling through a grocery store on Monday doing some shopping, Chandler Jones happened to walk down the same aisle as Jimmy G. Thinking on his feet as any great linebacker does, Jones whipped out his phone and videotaped his prank on Garoppolo -- although admittedly, it wasn't much of a prank.

Still, it was a funny move by Jones. Garoppolo acted surprised that someone actually wanted a photo with him. Don't worry, Jimmy. After (possibly) starting the first four games of the season, everyone will want a picture with you.

(h/t Instagram)

Photo Credit: David Butler II/USA Today Sports

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