Brian Urlacher hints he would like to hit Jay Cutler

Brian Urlacher spent four seasons as teammates with Jay Cutler in Chicago, and it does not sound like the two were the best of friends.

During an appearance on “The Dan Patrick Show” Monday morning, Urlacher was asked who he would like to sack if he could go back and hit one more quarterback.

“Any team?” he asked. “Even if it was a team I played for?”

Patrick then took the liberty of assuming Urlacher was hinting that he would like to take a run at Cutler.

“Yes, if you wanna hit Cutler, go ahead,” Patrick said.

The former All-Pro linebacker didn’t exactly deny it.

“You said that, not me,” he replied before settling on Peyton Manning.

“I don’t know. I never hit Peyton (Manning). I played him three or four times and never got a chance to hit him because the ball was always gone by the time we got to him,” Urlacher said. “So I think I would choose Peyton. Not because I don’t like him, but because I never got a chance to hit him.”

For what it’s worth, Urlacher also may have zinged Cutler earlier in the interview when assessing the Bears’ play against the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday. When Patrick asked if there was any positive spin John Fox could put on the 26-0 loss, he said the coach could mention how the defense played well even though Chicago was without its starting quarterback.

“Not that it’d be any different if (Cutler) was in the game,” Urlacher added.

Urlacher has not exactly had kind things to say about Cutler in recent years, so it’s obvious the two did not get along all that well. This only confirms that.

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