Brandon Marshall 'only going to play a couple of more years'

Brandon Marshall has been quite vocal about everything from his former quarterbacks Jay Cutler and Kyle Orton to possibly testing positive for marijuana after his trip to Jamaica. On Tuesday, Marshall had more to say about Cutler and the Chicago Bears.

"It’s not about the talent. Talent only takes you so far," Marshall to the New York Post. "I learned a lot in my last couple of years, especially last year in Chicago. You look at Martellus Bennett, Alshon Jeffrey, myself, Jay Cutler, Matt Forte, [Jermon] Bushrod, Kyle Long, Roberto Garza, Jordan Mills. You can’t dream of an offense like that, but we were one of the worst offenses out there. Why? Because we had a tough time of coming together. I think we all learned from that. I especially learned a lot from that."

It's not nearly as bad as Marshall saying Kyle Orton was the best quarterback he's played with, but it is definitely a shot at Cutler and the Bears. Chicago failed to make the playoffs in Marshall's three years with the team, but as he eluded to, they had all the talent in the world. Needless to say, Marshall was disappointed with his time in Chicago and wants to go out a winner.

"I’m only going to play a couple of more years. I’m not going to be one of those guys where you have to rip the jersey off my back," Marshall said. "I have other things I want to do. Before I leave I want to be a winner. I will be a winner."

If he really wants to go out a winner, the Jets may not be the best team to do it with, seeing as they haven't had a winning record since 2010. Maybe he and a new-look defense can change that and carry New York to a deep playoff run.

(h/t New York Post)