Brady gave pep talk to JPMorgan CEO

Tom Brady may be a genius on the football field, but we have no idea about his financial acumen. Nonetheless, the New England Patriots quarterback has some friends in high places in Wall Street, and something tells us Brady will have no shortage of advice on how to take care of his money in retirement.

Earlier this year, JPMorgan Chase infamously lost about $6 billion due to a trader known as the London Whale. And the man who had to answer to the bank's clients? That would be CEO Jamie Dimon, an offbeat character who's otherwise led seven successful years at JPMorgan and was recently the focus of a Vanity Fair profile.

Dimon revealed that after he announced the trading losses, vice chariman of investment banking Jimmy Lee, apparently a huge sports fan with deep connections, arranged for Brady to call Dimon and give him give a football-style pick-me-up.

"Brady reminded Dimon that even Super Bowl champs have bad days and told him 'to hang in there,'" according to the article.

If only we could all get a personal phone call from Tom Brady when we're having a bad day.