Bill Belichick calls out reporter for being on 'SnapFace'

Bill Belichick doesn't always give the most entertaining press conferences -- unless you're into one-word answers and straight-faced responses. However, things may be changing for the future Hall of Famer.

On Tuesday, Belichick went on an eight-minute rant when asked about the NFL's rules, something he rarely does. One day later, he continued the trend of unlikely occurrences and showed his comedic side.

After his press conference, Belichick called out a reporter for being on his phone -- more specifically "SnapFace."

Obviously, SnapFace isn't actually a thing. It's simply one of Belichick's famous social media mash-ups, joining MyFace, YourFace, InstantFace, and Yearbook. 

Belichick has a knack for naming fake social media sites, with SnapFace being the latest. Unfortunately, Belichick isn't on Snapchat, but this is probably what it would look like if he was.