Being a Dallas Cowboys fan could cost Chris Christie votes
Earlier this week New Jersey governor Chris Christie declared that he is running for President in 2016. Even though he lives and works in the Giants’ backyard, Christie is a well-known and vocal Dallas Cowboys fan.
He was seen celebrating with Jerry Jones during several games last season:
While the Cowboys might be America’s team, not everybody loves them, and that could cost Christie some votes.
According to a story by Bryan Altman of CBS Sports, Christie is basically unelectable in at least six states because of his Cowboys fandom.
Pennsylvania (Eagles), New York (Giants), Maryland (Redskins), California (49ers), Michigan (the playoff controversy with the Lions last year), and finally New Jersey.
Some of those are some big swing states. It seems like Christie has an uphill battle to get elected, and he doesn’t look very well-suited for doing anything uphill from where I’m sitting.
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