Andy Dalton recovers lost suitcases from the highway

UPDATE: The Bengals quarterback had his bags returned on Wednesday night. 

Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Andy Dalton is having a rough morning, and he needs everyone's help to make it a little bit better.

Earlier on Wednesday, Dalton tweeted that his suitcases fell out of his truck somewhere on the U.S. 75-Interstate en route to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. 

As any wise man would do, he asked Twitter to assist him in the search for his two black suitcases.

On the bright side, finding two bags of luggage in the middle of a Texas highway shouldn't be all that difficult, despite being of the plain-old-black variety.

With Twitter being the way it is, the responses flooded in. Some were humorous ...

... And others were more serious. This kind gentleman shared some good news with Dalton as his friends seemingly stopped to pick up Andy's bags.

It's safe to say Dalton's ability to hold onto valuable things is not "elite."