Andrew Luck turns a page, starts online book club

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Andrew Luck enjoys reading books a lot more than reading NFL defenses.

Now the Indianapolis Colts quarterback wants fans to join his club, although this one doesn't play in the AFC South.

Luck announced Monday he was starting an online book club that will include live question-and-answer sessions on social media with readers.

''People ask me all the time what I'm reading or if I have any suggestions of what they should read,'' he said. ''And, when the topic of starting a book club came up over and over again, I figured it was time to put something together. I'm really excited to see this get off the ground and I'm looking forward to building a community of readers online and through social media.''

Luck, the No. 1 overall draft choice in 2012, has always been a bit of a bookworm. He was his high school valedictorian and earned a bachelor's degree in architecture at Stanford, where he was as an academic All-American.

Luck will suggest book titles with club members - for younger readers, books he read when he was younger; for older readers, more current selections.

And the man who took his draft call on a flip phone is turning a page, too, by recruiting readers on social media. But what Luck really hopes to do is open a door into one of the favorite parts of his world - books.

''I have always loved to read and have my parents and grandparents to thank for introducing me to the enjoyment of reading at a young age,'' he said.


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