6 things we learned about Jimmy Garoppolo from his old tweets

Twitter has gotten countless young athletes in trouble over the years, and some of the biggest stars in the sports world may not realize that those short messages they tweeted without a second thought back in college are still probably lingering somewhere on the Internet. 

While Patriots quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo was leading his team to a win over the Arizona Cardinals Sunday night, fans were digging up Garoppolo's old tweets from his days at Eastern Illinois. Garoppolo started his account in 2011, and he was perhaps a little too unguarded for a future NFL quarterback. Here are a few things we found out about Garoppolo, using Twitter's handy advanced seach page.

Garoppolo doesn't speak basic Spanish.

He prefers apple juice.

He had a huge crush on Kate Upton.

He really likes 1981 Disney classic The Fox and the Hound.

He wasn't big on correct spelling. 

Botanical gardens is crazy.